Senin, 10 Juni 2013

Townhouse jakarta selatan, the Good Home in Jakarta Selatan

Choose townhouse jakarta selatan wisely
Townhouse jakarta selatan appears as the answer for people who expect the comfortable living place in Jakarta Selatan. In a big city, traffic jam and pollution are the main problem. The fight to survive in the big city is not easy too. In here people need to wake up so early and go home when the day ends. Even in the fact, the most people spend their time on the way. This is because the traffic jams. If you work in Jakarta Selatan, course it is so recommended living in Jakarta Selatan too. So traffic jam will not be a serious problem anymore.
In selecting a townhouse jakarta selatan you also need to be careful. The access, the comfortable environment and the facility are the main consideration in choosing a living place. Beside it, you also need to find out the legality of the place. If you are looking for the comfortable living place, you can find it in here. The comfort, the facility and the location is so perfect. So when you see the place, you will be so interested to have a home in this place.
Townhouse jakarta selatan is Comfortable and Classy
When people buy a home, course they choose it because it is appropriate with their criteria. But if they expect to get a living place in Jakarta Selatan, get it in the downtown is not an easy thing. Actually difficult is different with impossible. Even it looks so difficult; you still have a chance to realize your expectation. Luckily there is townhouse jakarta selatan which will help you to realize your dream.
In this place you will see the comfortable environment and the good facility. Every home in this place has designed with the good consideration. It looks modern without sacrificing the nature. In here, the modern style and the natural style combined well. It created the unique impression to the exterior and interior side. At the interior side you will see the simple design. But even it look simple, it also looks wonderful and fully with calculation and consideration. The living room, the bedroom, the bathroom until the kitchen designed with the good design and the good color. At the bedroom, you can also see the good combination between the modern styles with the natural touch. This is why the bedroom looks so special and relaxing. If you want to have a precious living place, this site will help you to get the expected townhouse jakarta selatan.

Senin, 27 Mei 2013

Mampang Mansion, where coolness & natural beauty melt in the downtown of Jakarta

DEWATAJOSO PROPERTY mempersembahkan Project Townhouse menengah atas di Jantung Jakarta Selatan.

"MAMPANG MANSION" where coolness & natural beauty melt in the downtown of Jakarta.
Project Town House Mampang Mansion yang berlokasi STRATEGIS di Duren Tiga Jakarta Selatan, dan BEBAS BANJIR. 

Fasilitas include: wi-fi internet, AC 1 unit atau water heater, dan Kitchen set. Sudah SHM & IMB pecah.
Pondasi: Telapak & Batu kali
Dinding: bata merah& hebel, finishing plester & cat
Struktur: beton bertulang
Lantai umum: Granite Tyle esenza 60 x 60
Lantai teras: Marmer nero marquina
Kamar mandi: keramik 20 x 25
Sanitary&  wastafel: toto
Langit-langit: Gypsum rangka hollow
Kusen Jendela: Alumunium Bronche
Atap & penutup atap: Rangka Baja ringan, Genteng beton 
Pintu & Kusen: Kamper oven finishing melamic
Finishing fasade: Batu alam Travertine & Paras putih
Jaringan kabel Listrik : underground bawah tanah
Term pembayaran: 
          Booking fee Rp 10.000.000,-
          Down Payment (DP 30%) dapat dicicil 3x, (setelah 20% DP dibayarkan, pembangunan start action)
          Pembayaran Cash Bertahap & KPR menyesuaikan progress pembangunan*
Jadwal pembangunan: 
          Untuk unit yang saat ini masih available, yang bisa kami sampaikan saat ini adalah deliver Rumah jadi April 2014 (start September 2013), bergantung pada pemenuhan DP 30% oleh konsumen tiap kavlingnya. Percepatan start pembangunan  memungkinkan saja terjadi, kami masih melihat kondisional yang terjadi. Adapun atas info tersebut kami akan beritahukan update kepada konsumen.
 *): waktu termin masih dalam preparation team.
Disclaimer: data dan informasi yang tercantum dalam gambar, berdasarkan situasi dan kondisi pada saat proses perencanaan yang sedang berlangsung sebelum masa launching. Perubahan dapat terjadi sewaktu- waktu dan merupakan hak penuh Developer.
Tim Marketing Mampang mansion
PT.Dewata Joso Property
Sovereign Plaza Lt.12, Jl. TB Simatupang no. 36, Jakarta.

Adi Masliardi
Hp. 0813 10 777 939 / 021 70 772 771
Email :

Overview Projek The Mampang Mansion

Overview Projek The Mampang Mansion

  • The Mampang Mansion Townhouse terdiri dari 13 Unit Kavling, dengan konsep Design Tropis Modern
  • Berlokasi sangat strategis dan Bebas Banjir
  • Akses mudah dijangkau, bisa melalui Jalan Raya Mampang, Jalan Raya Pancoran-Pasar Minggu
  • Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan Pejaten Mall
  • Dekat dengan Rumah Sakit Duren Tiga
  • Terdapat Akses Trans Jakarta yang tidak jauh dari Lokasi Projek Townhouse